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Hancock, hawkins, hamblen, & grainger county

Allied Health & Rehabilitation Services

Allied Health Services

Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Therapy, Rehabilitation Therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis 

Morristown, TN - Interim Health Care of East TN offers a variety of services including physical therapy, speech therapy, respite care, and personal assistance.



IDEA Info, Tutoring, School Systems, Post-secondary Education, Transition, Early Intervention 

Sneedville, TN - Hancock County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy.

Rogersville, TN - Hawkins County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Technology assistance/training, and Information about IDEA and Section 504. 

Rogersville, TN - Rogersville City Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Technology assistance/training, and Information about IDEA and Section 504. 

Morristown, TN - Hamblen County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Technology assistance/training, and Information about IDEA and Section 504. 

Rutledge, TN - Grainger County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Technology assistance/training, and Information about IDEA and Section 504. 

Morristown, TN - Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology are vocational/technical schools that offer a variety of training programs to prepare students to transition directly into a career.

Vision and/or Hearing Impairment Services

Vision & Hearing Impairment

Sneedville, TN - Shepherd's Corner is a faith-based organization that offers clothing, food, dental, eyeglass, and utility financial assistance to individuals in need.

Morristown, TN - Lions Volunteer Blind Industries is a non-profit organization that offers employment and job training services for people who are blind. Their services include: Work Adjustment Training, Orientation and Mobility Training, Braille, Adaptive Technology, Vocational Evaluations, TN Business Enterprises Entry Level Training, Independent Living Skills, Job Readiness, and Job Placement.



(423) 928-9362

Johnson City, TN - The Arc of Washington County is a non-profit organization that works to help improve the lives of persons with intellectual, developmental, or other disabilities by providing advocacy training and services, career development and job placement, adult literacy training, community education, individual family support in the form of personal assistance and respite, social activities, and residential weekend retreats/summer camps. The Arc of Washington County serves the following counties: Washington, Unicoi, Carter, Johnson, Greene, Cocke, Hawkins, Hamblen, Jefferson, Grainger, Hancock, Sullivan, and Union.

Morristown, TN - Legal Aid of East Tennessee is a non-profit organization that offers legal assistance, community education, and referrals for civil cases in the following areas: Housing, Education, Employment, Social Security, Medicaid, SNAP, and more.

Morristown, TN - The Douglas Cherokee Economic Authority Head Start is part of a national program that promotes school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social and other services for low-income families and families with children with disabilities.

Healthcare & Mental Health

Healthcare & Mental Health

Morristown, TN - Health Connect America is a mental health care provider that offers the following services: In-home Family Preservation Services, Intensive Outpatient Services (IOP), Outpatient Services, Case Management Services, Autism Services, Therapeutic Day Treatment & School Based Services, and Mental Health Skill Building.

Sneedville, TN - Sneedville Medical Center is a comprehensive healthcare clinic that offers primary care, immunizations, pharmacy, dental care services, and more.

Sneedville, TN - Frontier Health is a mental health service provider that offers outpatient behavioral health, mental health, substance abuse, co-occurring programs, individual & group psychotherapy, marital & family counseling, pharmacotherapy, case management, education services, and more.

Bulls Gap, TN - Bulls Gap Medical Center is a comprehensive healthcare clinic that offers primary care, immunizations, pharmacy, health education, and more.

Rogersville, TN - Signature Healthcare offers a nursing home care facility that provides medical nursing services for seniors with serious illnesses or disabilities.

Locations: Morristown; Talbott; Blaine; Bean Station; Washburn, TN - Cherokee Health Systems provides mental health and health care services for children and adults that include physical exams, behavioral health intervention, prenatal care, individual & family therapy, alcohol & drug use programs, preventive health & education, health screenings, crisis intervention, and community outreach.

Morristown, TN - Morristown Hamblen Healthcare System offers comprehensive healthcare services including primary care, immunizations, pharmacy, health education, and more.

Adult & Family Services

Adult & Faily Services

Respite, Day Programs, Housing, Employment, Financial Assistance, Vocational Rehabilitation

Locations: Sneedville; Rogersville; Morristown; Rutledge, TN - The Department of Human Services is a state government agency that offers family assistance services including the following: Financial Assistance; Child Care Resources & Referral; Nutritional Assistance; and Medicaid/TennCare Application Assistance. 

Rogersville, TN - Chip Hale Center is a community-based organization offers services for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities which include adult day programs, supported employment, supported living, personal assistance, nursing, and transportation. 

Morristown, TN - American Job Center is a one-stop career center that helps individuals obtain employment training and job placement by offering the following services: job search & readiness training, resume development, computer services, vocational assessments, and specialized assistance for older adults as well as people with disabilities.

Morristown, TN - ALPS Adult Services is an adult day center for individuals with disabilities that provides personal care services, group recreational activities, caregiver support groups, and family/caregiver training services. 

Morristown, TN - Morristown Hamblen County Central Services offers financial assistance and food bank services for persons in need. 

Morristown, TN - The Douglas Cherokee Economic Authority is a social services agency that provides financial assistance, a head start program, and in home assistance services for persons with disabilities and for persons in need.

Morristown, TN - Lakeway Achievement Center provides supported living and residential services for persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. 

Rogersville, TN - Rogersville Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Morristown, TN - Morristown Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Morristown, TN - The Social Security Administration Office provides information regarding the SSI and SSDI application and process.



Locations: Rutledge; Morristown; Rogersville, TN - Special Olympics Tennessee provides unified sports opportunities and healthy athlete health care services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 

Rogersville, TN - Rogersville City Park offers a variety of recreational facilities including three tennis courts, picnic shelters, a stage, walking/jogging trails, a playground, a fishing area, basketball courts, horseshoe pits, baseball/softball fields, public swimming pool, and sand volleyball courts.

Morristown, TN - Ridin' High, Inc. is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International that offers therapeutic horseback riding services. They also offer recreational riding opportunities. 

Write us: 

NF Tennessee

P.O. Box 150661

Nashville, TN 37215-9998

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