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Health Care

Primary Care & Denistry

Primary Care & Dentistry

Memphis, TN - Le Bonheur Children's Hospital NF Clinic offers diagnosis and multidisciplinary treatment for wide-ranging complications of neurofibromatosis and other neurocutaneous disorders.

Nashville, TN - The Vanderbilt Neurofibromatosis Clinic aims to provide a resource for NF patients and their families for the assessment and management of the many facets of NF and related disorders.

Winston-Salem, NC- TSPN is an association of counselors, mental health professionals, physicians, clergy, journalists, social workers, and law enforcement personnel, as well as survivors of suicide and suicide attempts that provides educational resources and counseling/support services for individuals struggling with mental health issues. 

Atlanta, GA - Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Center for Advanced Pediatrics has a Genetics Clinic that specializes in diagnosing genetic disorders in children.

Birmingham, ALThe Neurofibromatosis Clinic at the University of Alabama, Birmingham offers genetic diagnosing and clinical trials for individuals with NF. 

Louisville, KY - The Lee Specialty Clinic offers a variety of services with staff that are dedicated to treating patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Their staff includes professional in the following fields: Developmental Dentistry; Developmental Medicine; Psychiatry; Physical Therapy; Occupational Therapy; Speech Therapy; Behavior Analysis; and others. 

Nashville, TN - Triax Dental provides outstanding oral health services to patients with special needs and specializes in caring for individuals with intellectual and development disabilities.

Mental Health

Mental Health

Online Resource

Psychology Today offers an online resource where individuals can easily locate a mental health care provider in their area. 

Locations: Memphis; Trenton; Springfield; Nashville; Murfreesboro; Chattanooga; Knoxville; Kingsport, TN - RHA Health Services provides mental health, substance treatment, and IDD specialty services such as employment, housing, and supported living services to individuals throughout the state. 

Nashville, TN - TSPN is an association of counselors, mental health professionals, physicians, clergy, journalists, social workers, and law enforcement personnel, as well as survivors of suicide and suicide attempts that provides educational resources and counseling/support services for individuals struggling with mental health issues. 

Locations: Dresden; Dayton; McMinnville; Cookeville; Spencer; Morrison; Woodbury, TN - Generations/ Gaither's Group serves individuals with chronic mental health needs and associated medical needs; they provide services in residential treatment, supported housing, outpatient mental health, and substance abuse programs.

Locations: Memphis; Dyersburg; Paris; Jackson; Linden; Dickson; Clarksville; Nashville; Columbia; Cookeville; Knoxville; Chattanooga; Johnson City; Morristown, TN - Youth Villages offers comprehensive mental health services to children which include: In-Home Family-based Treatment, Residential Treatment, Group Homes for Adolescents, Therapeutic Foster Care, CHOICES Program (services for children with developmental disabilities so that they are able to live in family settings), Group Homes, Transitional Living, Adoption Support & Training, Crisis Services, & Runaway Shelter.

Louisville, TN - Village Behavioral Health is a residential facility for youth with a mental health diagnosis, dual diagnosis (substance abuse & mental health), and behavioral disorders; They specialize in helping individuals (ages 13-17) who struggle with mental health and/or addiction issue. They provide services at a treatment center with a strong academic program to address the emotional and education needs of each individual. 

Nashville, TN - The Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services promotes the availability of comprehensive mental health care services including quality prevention, early intervention, treatment, habilitation and rehabilitation services, and supports based on the needs of individuals and their families within Tennessee.

(615) 953-4992

Nashville, TN Salim Homes Residential Services provides various services including supportive living for adults with mental health disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse problems where they focus on stabilization, recovery, quality care, community integration, and overall supports for each individual. 

Locations: Covington; Brownsville; Dyersburg; Somerville; Ripley; Millington, TN - Professional Care Services provides a broad range of traditional out-patient mental health services to adults, teens, and children. They offer clinical services that include psychiatric evaluations, mental health assessments, individual and group counseling/therapy, family therapy, and medication management.

Locations: Clarksville; Dickson; Columbia; Nashville; Antioch; Gallatin; Murfreesboro; Cookeville; Chattanooga; Cleveland; Crossville, TN - The Mental Health Cooperative is a state-wide organization that supports adults with serious mental illnesses and children who struggle with emotional/behavioral challenges using innovative approaches that combine psychiatry, community-based care management, crisis services, psychotherapy, and primary care into a person-centered system of care. 

Dyersburg, TN​ - The McDonald Center for Children is a psychiatric, residential treatment facility that provides education, treatment, guidance, and encouragement for children and adolescent boys who struggle with mental health issues; They offer 3 program tracks: mental health, substance abuse, and dual diagnosis. 

Knoxville, TN - Norris Academy is a psychiatric residential treatment facility that offers comprehensive, holistic mental health, behavioral health, and educational services to residents with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other neurodevelopmental diagnoses who also have a co-occurring psychiatric diagnosis. 

Blind & VI

Blind & Visual Impairment Services

Nashville, TN - Tennessee Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired is a state government agency that provides vocational rehabilitation, independent living, Deaf-blind, automated newspaper, and entrepreneurship services to individuals that are blind, deaf-blind, or are visually impaired

Memphis, TN - Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired is a center that offers various services including training and support for independent living, vocational training, job placement, recreation, and youth services for individuals with visual impairments. 

Nashville, TN - Project PAVE is a program within the Vanderbilt Eye Institute that works with local educational agencies to provide low-vision evaluations, optical devices, instruction and technical assistance, all at no cost to Tennessee families.

Center of Vision Development

Cookeville, TN - The Center of Vision Development offers a variety of eye care services to individuals of all ages such as general eye exams and corrective surgery.

Bristol, TN - Healing Hands Health Center is a charitable health clinic that provides medical care, dental care, and vision care services to persons of all ages.

National/ International - Hadley is a non-profit organization that â€‹offers online educational classes with supports such as large text and braille to fit the unique needs of students with vision loss or blindness. 

Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services

Deaf & HoH

Maryville, TN - Blount Hearing & Speech Services offers patient care with the latest in hearing care technology to their patients. Through their comprehensive and compassionate approach to hearing health, they strive to provide optimal solutions for all lifestyles and budgets.

Nashville, TN - Clover Bridges for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is a non-profit organization that works to unite the Deaf, Deaf-Blind, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing communities through their programs. They offer supports and services in the following: ADA Information; Medical/Dental; Income & Employment; Housing; and more. 

Johnson City, TN - Frontier Health's Communication Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Interpreter offers services that include Information on Community Resources, Sign language classes, TTY & Video Phone access available in office for free for deaf/ hard-of-hearing, and Emergency interpreter services. They support the following counties:  Carter, Claibourne, Cocke, Greene, Hamblen, Hancock, Hawkins, Johnson, Sullivan, Unicoi, and Washington. 

Memphis, TN - Deaf Connect MidSouth supports the deaf and hearing communities through advocacy, outreach communication, information, and referral.

Locations: Chattanooga; Maryville; Hermitage, TN- Hearing Loss Association of America offers information and resources for people with hearing loss of any severity, families or friends of those with hearing loss. 

Locations: Johnson City; Knoxville; Chattanooga; Nashville; Jackson; Memphis, TN - Tennessee Council for the Deaf, Deaf-Blind, and Hard of Hearing is a state office that ensures state and local public programs and services are accessible to citizens that are deaf, deaf-blind or hard of hearing. They coordinate information, public awareness & advocacy services through six regional community service centers.

Rehabilitation Hospitals

Rehabilitation Hospitals

Nashville, TN - Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation is an  inpatient rehabilitation hospital that utilizes an interdisciplinary team approach that includes physical, speech and occupational therapists, rehabilitation physicians, rehabilitation nurses, case managers, dietitians and more, combined with advanced technology and expertise, to help their patients achieve their goals.

Knoxville, TN - The Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center offers a comprehensive, team approach to care that includes individualized in-patient programs for patients in physical, occupational, and recreational therapy, behavioral medicine and speech-language therapy. 

Atlanta, GA - The Shephard Center is a private, not-for-profit hospital specializing in medical treatment, research and rehabilitation for people with spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, multiple sclerosis, spine and chronic pain, and other neuromuscular conditions.

Chattanooga, TN - Siskin Hospital is a not-for-profit rehabilitation hospital that offers all private patient rooms and has specialized Inpatient treatment programs in brain injury, amputation, stroke, spinal cord injury, orthopedics, neurological disorders, and major multiple trauma, among other illnesses and disorders.

Write us: 

NF Tennessee

P.O. Box 150661

Nashville, TN 37215-9998

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