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jackson, putnum, & smith county

Allied Health & Rehabilitation Services

Allied Health Services

Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Therapy, Rehabilitation Therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis 

Cookeville, TN - Momentum Behavior Analysis specializes in providing ABA services for children and adults, ages 18 months to 25 years old, with autism, developmental delays, and behavioral challenges. Their services include increasing verbal behaviors, social skills, and independent living skills, while decreasing problem behaviors.

Cookeville, TN - The Center of Developmental Pediatric Therapies is a comprehensive clinic that offers a variety of pediatric therapies including physical and occupational therapy, speech therapy, and behavioral services (ABA therapy). They also offer early intervention services.

Cookeville, TN - Quality Home Care offers a variety of services including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and nursing services. 



IDEA Info, Tutoring, School Systems, Post-secondary Education, Transition, Early Intervention 

Gainesboro, TN - Jackson County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy.

Cookeville, TN - Putnum County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Technology assistance/training, and Information about IDEA and Section 504. 

(731) 986-4482

Carthage, TN - Smith County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Technology assistance/training, and Information about IDEA and Section 504. 

Cookeville, TN - Tennessee Tech University is a public university that offers undergraduate education in fields related to engineering and technology, education, liberal arts, agriculture, nursing, and others. They also offer graduate degrees in engineering, business, education, and liberal arts.

Cookeville, TN - Kids Putnam, Inc. offers early intervention services for children with developmental delays (age birth to three) and typically developing children (age birth to five).

Cookeville, TN - TEIS is a program within the TN Department of Education that is a network of nine district offices that offer early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. They offer information about public and private service providers, early intervention professionals, family support organizations, and other groups that offer services to infants and toddlers with disabilities.

Vision and/or Hearing Impairment Services

Vision & Hearing Impairment

Cookeville, TN -The Center of Vision Development offers comprehensive vision care and exams for special populations and individuals with different abilities. 

Cookeville, TN - The Tennessee Rehabilitation Center is a regional rehabilitation center that offers the following services to adults with disabilities that include vocational training, independent living skills training, occupational skills, physical rehabilitation services, school-to-work program, vision impairment services, and transitional life skills training.



Cookeville, TN - Tennessee Community Services Agency is a community agency that offers services contracted through the state of TN such as the TennCare Advocacy Program, Home Support Services Program, and more.

Cookeville, TN - Legal Aid of Middle Tennessee & the Cumberlands is a non-profit organization that offers legal assistance, community education, and referrals for civil cases in the following areas: Housing, Education, Social Security, Medicaid, SNAP, and more.

Cookeville, TN - L.B.J. & C. Head Start is part of a national program that promotes school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social and other services for low-income families and families with children with disabilities.

Healthcare & Mental Health

Healthcare & Mental Health

Locations: Algood; Cookeville, TN - Health Connect America is a mental health care provider that offers the following services: In-home Family Preservation Services, Intensive Outpatient Services (IOP), Outpatient Services, Case Management Services, Autism Services, Therapeutic Day Treatment & School Based Services, and Mental Health Skill Building.

Robinson Dental

Cookeville, TN - Robinson Dental offers comprehensive dental care services.

Gainesboro, TN - Cookeville Medical Center at Gainseboro is a comprehensive healthcare clinic that offers pediatric & adult primary medical care, immunizations, laboratory & radiology services, family planning, and health education services.

Carthage, TN - Riverview Regional Medical Center is a comprehensive healthcare clinic that offers pediatric & adult primary medical care, rehabilitation therapies, psychiatric services, immunizations, laboratory & radiology services, family planning, and health education services.

Cookeville, TN - Volunteer Behavioral Health offers mental health services that include case management, medication management, outpatient therapy, psychological evaluations, counseling, substance abuse treatment, and more.

Cookeville, TN - Triumph Care, LLC provides a variety of services including Community Based Day, Supported Employment, Respite, In-Home Day, Personal Assistance, Supported Living, Individual Transportation, and Nursing.

Cookeville, TN - The Baxter Rural Health Clinic offers comprehensive adult and pediatric health care services, women's health services, and immunizations.

Cookeville, TN - The Community Health Access and Navigation in Tennessee (CHANT) program within the TN Department of Health, strives to help families navigate the healthcare system. CHANT teams provide enhanced patient-centered engagement, navigation of medical and social services referrals, and impact pregnancy, child and maternal health outcomes. In Cookeville, CHANT is supported by the Upper Cumberland Regional Office.

Adult & Family Services

Adult & Faily Services

Respite, Day Programs, Housing, Employment, Financial Assistance, Vocational Rehabilitation

Locations: Gainesboro; Carthage, TN - The Department of Human Services is a state government agency that offers family assistance services including the following: Financial Assistance; Child Care Resources & Referral; Nutritional Assistance; and Medicaid/TennCare Application Assistance. 

Cookeville, TN - Pacesetters, Inc. is a community-based organization that offers services for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. Their services include adult day programs, supported employment, residential/supported living services, respite services, and the family support program.

Cookeville, TN - Every regional Area Agency on Aging & Disability program provides services to older adults and other adults with disabilities. Their services include Public Conservatorship Services, SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program), Information & Assistance. 

Cookeville, TN - Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency offers a variety of services including a Head Start program, financial assistance, in-home assistance, home repair services, senior services, and vocational/training services.

Locations: Gainesboro; Cookeville; Carthage, TN - American Job Center is a one-stop career center that helps individuals obtain employment training and job placement by offering the following services: job search & readiness training, resume development, computer services, vocational assessments, and specialized assistance for older adults as well as people with disabilities.

Cookeville, TN - Apple Independence Mobility is a full-service mobility company that offers vehicle modifications, sells manual and power wheelchairs, scooters, wheelchair/scooter lifts, and offers portable ramps with installation. 

Cookeville, TN - D&S Community Services offers a variety of services to people with disabilities and seniors. Their services include include the following: Medical Supported Living; Supportive Living; Community Participation; Supported Employment; Respite; Personal Assistance; Family Model; Behavior Supports; Occupational Therapy; Speech Language Pathology; Physical Therapy; Nutrition; Orientation and Mobility Services; Community Living Supports; Supportive Home Care; Independent Living Skills Training; Community Integration Supports Services; Assistive Technology; and Employment Services.

Jackson, TN - Project SEARCH is a career training and employment program for adults with disabilities. They have multiple site locations across TN with one at the Jackson Madison County Hospital.

Cookeville, TN - The Cookeville Rescue Mission offers emergency shelter for families and individuals, dental care, & clothing assistance. 

Gainesboro, TN - The Gainesboro First United Methodist Church is a faith-based organization that offers a food pantry and financial assistance services.

Carthage, TN - Smith County Help Center offers food and clothing resources for those in need.

Cookeville, TN - Cookeville Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Carthage, TN - South Carthage Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Cookeville, TN - The Tennessee Rehabilitation Center is a regional rehabilitation center that offers the following services to adults with disabilities that include vocational training, independent living skills training, occupational skills, physical rehabilitation services, school-to-work program, vision impairment services, and transitional life skills training.

Cookeville, TN - The Vocational Rehabilitation Regional Office supports the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program which is a federal and state-funded program that offers assistance to Tennesseans with disabilities to promote employment. Their services include medical, psychological or vocational assessments, training, medical services, job development, and job placement.

Cookeville, TN - The Social Security Administration Office provides information regarding the SSI and SSDI application and process.

Cookeville, TN - The Social Security Disability Advocates have staff that includes Social Security specialists that assist individuals with application process for social security benefits.



(615) 329-1375

Sparta, TN - Special Olympics Tennessee offers recreational athletics programs for individuals with disabilities. They also offer health screenings through the Healthy Athletes program.

Gainesboro, TN - Camp Discovery provides recreational camp experiences for individuals with special needs.

Cookeville, TN - Putnum County Senior Center is a recreational center for seniors that offers music, dances, yoga, field trips, games, and more.

Write us: 

NF Tennessee

P.O. Box 150661

Nashville, TN 37215-9998

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