Allied Health & Rehabilitation Services
Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Therapy, Rehabilitation Therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis
Locations: Brownsville; Alamo, TN - Sports Plus Rehab Centers are part of the West Tennessee Healthcare network and provide occupational therapy, physical therapy, and sports rehabilitation among other services.
IDEA Info, Tutoring, School Systems, Post-secondary Education, Transition, Early Intervention
Ripley, TN - Lauderdale County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy.
Bells, TN - Bells City Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Technology assistance/training, and Information about IDEA and Section 504.
Alamo, TN - Alamo City Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Technology assistance/training, and Information about IDEA and Section 504.
Alamo, TN - Crockett County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Technology assistance/training, and Information about IDEA and Section 504.
Brownsville, TN -Haywood County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Technology assistance/training, and Information about IDEA and Section 504.
Ripley, TN - Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology are vocational/technical schools that offer a variety of training programs to prepare students to transition directly into a career.
Vision and/or Hearing Impairment Services
Vocational Rehabilitation Office
(731) 423-5620
Locations: Memphis; Jackson, TN - The Vocational Rehabilitation Office offers several programs to assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired. These services include: Vocational Rehabilitation; Independent Living Services; Deaf-Blind Services; Newsline for the Blind and Visually Impaired; and Tennessee Business Enterprises. The Jackson, TN office serves Haywood and Crockett county. The Memphis, TN office serves Lauderdale county.
Memphis, TN - The Arc Mid-South is a non-profit organization that works to help improve the lives of persons with intellectual, developmental, or other disabilities by providing advocacy training and services, career development and job placement, adult literacy training, community education, individual family support in the form of personal assistance and respite, social activities, and residential weekend retreats and summer camp. They serve the following counties: Shelby, Tipton, Fayette, and Lauderdale.
Healthcare & Mental Health
Stanton, TN - Stanton Health Center offers comprehensive adult and pediatric health care services.
Professional Care Services of West Tennessee, Inc.
Ripley, TN - Professional Care Services offers the following services: Outpatient mental health services; Intensive Continuous Treatment Team Services for Children; Case Management services; Psychiatrists; Dual Diagnosis.
Brownsville, TN - Pathways Behavioral Health Services offers mental health and behavioral services for children and adults. They also offer a Supported Employment Program to assist people in obtaining employment as well as provide support for maintaining employment.
Adult & Family Services
Respite, Day Programs, Housing, Employment, Financial Assistance, Vocational Rehabilitation
Locations: Ripley; Alamo; Brownsville, TN - The Department of Human Services is a state government agency that offers family assistance services including the following: Financial Assistance; Child Care Resources & Referral; Nutritional Assistance; and Medicaid/TennCare Application Assistance.
Ripley, TN - The Helen R. Tucker Adult Developmental Center offers Adult Day Programs, Supported Living, Supported Employment, and Personal Assistance services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They also manage the Family Support Program funding in Crockett, Dyer, Lake, Lauderdale, Obion, and Tipton Counties.
Brownsville, TN - Madison-Haywood Developmental Services offers the following services for individuals with intellectual disabilities: Adult Day Services, Supported Employment, Supported Living, Vocational Training, and ECF CHOICES services.
Locations: Ripley; Alamo, TN - American Job Center is a one-stop career center that helps individuals obtain employment training and job placement by offering the following services: job search & readiness training, resume development, computer services, vocational assessments, and specialized assistance for older adults as well as people with disabilities.
Ripley, TN - Ripley Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.
Brownsville, TN - Brownsville Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.
Burlison, TN - Special Olympics Tennessee offers recreational athletic programs for individuals with disabilities. They also provide health screenings with the Healthy Athletes program.
Brownsville, TN - The Haywood County Senior Center is a center for senior citizens that offers the following recreational programs and activities: Health programs, Educational Programs, Potlucks, Dances, Games, Outings, Crafts, and Travel Excursions.