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Mcminn, monroe, & Polk county

Allied Health & Rehabilitation Services

Allied Health Services

Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Therapy, Rehabilitation Therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis 

Locations: Athens; Tellico Plains; Etowah, TN - Benchmark Physical Therapy offers a variety of services including Physical Therapy, Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Hand Therapy Certified, Occupational Therapy, Sports Medicine, Functional Capacity Evaluations, Return-to-Work Program, and more.



IDEA Info, School Systems, Tutoring, Post-secondary Education, Transition Services

Athens, TN - Athens City Schools are a public school system that provides educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They also provide services that include: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy. 

Etowah, TN - Etowah City Schools are a public school system that provides educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They also provide services that include: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy. 

Athens, TN - McMinn County Schools are a public school system that provides educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They also provide services that include: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy. 

Madisonville, TN - Monroe County Schools are a public school system that provides educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They also provide services that include: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy. 

Benton, TN - Polk County Schools are a public school system that provides educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They also provide services that include: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy. 

Sweetwater Schools

Sweetwater, TN - Sweetwater Schools are a public school system that provides educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They also provide services that include: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy. 

Athens, TN - Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology are vocational/technical schools that offer a variety of training programs to prepare students to transition directly into a career.

(423) 746-5275

Athens, TN - Tennessee Wesleyan University offers bachelor's and master's degrees in business, fine arts, humanities, natural and social sciences as well as nursing, other career-related areas, and teacher certification.

Visual and/or Hearing Impairment Services

Vision & Hearing

Locations: Chattanooga; Knoxville, TN - The Vocational Rehabilitation Office offers several programs to assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired. These services include: Vocational Rehabilitation; Independent Living Services; Deaf-Blind Services; Newsline for the Blind and Visually Impaired; and Tennessee Business Enterprises. The Knoxville, TN office serves Monroe county. The Chattanooga, TN office McMinn and Polk county.



Dickson, TN - Developmental Services of Dickson County is an affiliate of The Arc,  a non-profit, advocacy organization, that is composed of people with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities, their parents, friends, and the professionals who assist them in reaching their goals. They offer disability advocacy support, parent training workshops, and referral resources.

Erin, TN - The Highland Rim Head Start program promotes school readiness by supporting the social and cognitive development of children through education, health, nutrition, social, and other services for low-income families as well as the families with children with disabilities. Services and supports for the families with a child with a disability are provided free of charge regardless of income.

Healthcare & Mental Health

Heathcare & Mental Health
Health Connect America

Athens, TN - Health Connect America provides mental and behavioral health services to children, families, and adults. Their services include Intensive In-home, Outpatient Mental Health, Substance Abuse Disorder, and Psychiatric Clinical Services among other mental health services.

Athens, TN - The Hiawasee Mental Health Center offers mental health services that include evaluations, peer groups, medication management, counseling, supportive housing, outpatient therapy, and more.

Englewood, TN - Cherokee Health Systems provides both mental health care and primary health care services for children and adults.

Athens, TN - Starr Regional Medical Center offers comprehensive health care services that include oncology, primary care, rehabilitation services, emergency department, and more.

Etowah, TN - Miracle Lake is a residential mental health care center for men struggling with substance abuse.

Madisonville, TN - Chota Community Health Services offers comprehensive health care services that include Pediatric & Adult Primary Care, Obstetrics & Gynecological Care, and Referrals.

Sweetwater, TN - Sweetwater Hospital offers comprehensive health care services with specialties that include Family Practice, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Geriatrics, Gastroenterology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Orthopedic Surgery, Urology, Pulmonology, Podiatry, Oncology, Otolaryngology, Emergency Medicine and Anesthesiology.

Adult & Family Services

Adult & Family Services

Day Programs, Respite, Employment, Housing, Financial Assistance, Vocational Rehabilitation

(423) 745-8902

Athens, TN - Tri-County Center is a developmental center that offers services for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities which include day programs, residential housing, and supported employment services.

(423) 745-4904

Athens, TN - The YMCA offers a variety of activities and services that include sports/exercise, camps, and childcare.

(423) 745-0341

Athens, TN - Athens Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.

(423) 263-2674

Etowah, TN - Etowah Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Sweetwater Housing Authority

Sweetwater, TN - Sweetwater Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Social Security Administration, Athens

Athens, TN - The Social Security Administration Office offers information regarding the SSI and SSDI programs, applications, and processes.

(423) 745-2028

Locations: Athens, TN - American Job Center is a one-stop career center that helps individuals obtain employment training and job placement by offering the following services: job search & readiness training, resume development, computer services, vocational assessments, and specialized assistance for older adults as well as people with disabilities.

Department of Human Services

(423) 744-2800

Locations: Athens; Madisonville; Benton, TN - The Department of Human Services is a state government agency that provides family assistance services such as child care services and Medicaid/TennCare application assistance.



Delano, TN - Hiwassee/Ocoee Scenic River State Park offers white water sites and recreational opportunities.

Vonroe, TN - Fort Loudoun State Park is a 1200-acre historic area dedicated to preserving the history of Fort Loudoun and offers recreational programs for persons of all ages.

Write us: 

NF Tennessee

P.O. Box 150661

Nashville, TN 37215-9998

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