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Transition Resources 

Transition-Specific Programs & Organizations

Transition-specific info

Transition Tennessee is an online and in-person resource for transition-aged youth and their families to prepare for life after high school. They also offer modules, checklists, and printable documents for students to help them achieve their transition-related goals whether it be finding employment or post-secondary education. 

Transition Works is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to elevating employment outcomes for people with disabilities. The website serves as an online resource that offers comprehensive information, trainings, videos, success stories, and many other resources to equip, inform, and inspire Tennesseans' employment goals. 

Employment and Community First CHOICES is a government run program by TennCare that offers assistance to individuals with disabilities to live independently as possible with employment. 

The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program is a government run program that provides a variety of employment preparation services to individuals with disabilities. 

The Transition School to Work (TSW) program is a provision of the vocational rehabilitation (VR) program that offers services to high school students with disabilities who are interested in employment after leaving high school. 

College & Career Resources

College & Career Resources

This section includes resources related to career planning, college planning, and career/college readiness such as information on financial aid, career assessments/questionnaires, job options, job shadowing, internships, interviewing, and resume building tips. 

College for TN is a free, online resource that can be used to expand college and career advising. They are a free one-stop resource for college and career information in the state of Tennessee. They provide information on career planning and college planning as well as financial aid. 

Workforce GPS is an online resource destination for the American Job Center network, people with disabilities, and employers. They help individuals with disabilities find meaningful employment opportunities. 

O*NET is an online career exploration resource that offers detailed descriptions of the world of work for job seekers and students. They allow individuals to explore various careers, learn about the tasks/skills needed within certain jobs, and provide assessments/questionnaires to help people figure out if a certain job matches their interests or skill sets.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook is an online career guide that provides detailed information on hundreds of occupations such as what education or training is needed for a desired job as well as information on the growth rate and projected pay for various jobs.

Kuder Navigator is an online resource for high school students to begin planning for their futures. They offer career assessments that look at personal interests, skills, and work values to help students determine the best career choices. They also provide resources on skills such as writing resumes, cover letters, searching for jobs, and preparing for interviews. Students can also search for colleges within this site and access information on colleges' admission processes. 

Career One Stop is an online resource sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor that provides information on career planning, job training, networking, interviewing, resume development, and more. 

Roadtrip Nation is a website that displays award-winning documentaries that show students why it's OK to feel lost, and helps them realize that they are not alone. Their library of films and series documents the stories of people from all walks of life who find their paths/careers. They also provide information and resources for the different career paths documented in the films. 

CareerVillage is an online community where students can get free, personalized career advice from real-life professionals. On the website, students can post questions and get responses from professionals in careers that the student is interested in. 

Job Shadow is a virtual job shadowing platform. The website offers over 400 videos of interviews with professionals in various roles and career fields. Students can access the videos and see what it would be like to shadow a professional in a career they are curious about. 

Forage is a website that provides students with access to free, virtual internships in over 70 diverse industries and roles. Students can build their resumes, experience what real work looks like, and learn critical skills. 

Write us: 

NF Tennessee

P.O. Box 150661

Nashville, TN 37215-9998

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