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Warren, Cannon, & Dekalb County

Allied Health & Rehabilitation Services

Allied Health Services

Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Therapy, Rehabilitation Therapy, Applied Behavior Analysis 

Smithville, TN - Kids Express Therapy Services offers pediatric speech and language therapy services.

McMinnville, TN - STAR Physical Therapy offers a variety of rehabilitation services including physical therapy, occupational therapy, pediatric therapies, and more.



IDEA Info, Tutoring, School Systems, Post-secondary Education, Transition, Early Intervention 

McMinnville, TN - Warren County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy.

Woodbury, TN - Cannon County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, and Behavioral Therapy.

Smithville, TN - DeKalb County Schools are a public school system that offers educational services for children with disabilities or learning delays. They offer services that include the following: Educational & Psychological assessments, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Technology assistance/training, and Information about IDEA and Section 504. 

McMinnville, TN - Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology are vocational/technical schools that offer a variety of training programs to prepare students to transition directly into a career.

Vision and/or Hearing Impairment Services

Vision & Hearing Impairment

Cookeville, TN - The Vocational Rehabilitation Office offers several programs to assist individuals who are blind or visually impaired. These services include: Vocational Rehabilitation; Independent Living Services; Deaf-Blind Services; Newsline for the Blind and Visually Impaired; and Tennessee Business Enterprises. The Cookeville, TN office serves Warren, Cannon, and DeKalb county.

McMinnville, TN - Eye Centers of Tennessee offer comprehensive eye care services.



Woodbury, TN - Woodbury Head Start is part of a national program that promotes school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social and other services for low-income families and families with children with disabilities.

Healthcare & Mental Health

Healthcare & Mental Health

McMinnville, TN - Volunteer Behavioral Health is a network of mental health care providers that offer the following services: Outpatient Therapy; Case Management; Counseling; Supportive Living; Psychological Evaluations; and more.

Locations: Smithville; Woodbury; McMinnville, TN - Saint Thomas Health is a network of comprehensive healthcare centers that offer pediatric & adult primary medical care, immunizations, laboratory & radiology services, family planning, and health education services.

Locations: Morrison; McMinnville, TN - Generations/Gaither's Group offers outpatient mental health services that include adult residential, supported living, respite care, case management, outpatient therapy, medication management, and substance abuse treatment.

Adult & Family Services

Adult & Faily Services

Respite, Day Programs, Housing, Employment, Financial Assistance, Vocational Rehabilitation

Locations: McMinnville; Woodbury; Smithville, TN - The Department of Human Services is a state government agency that offers family assistance services including the following: Financial Assistance; Child Care Resources & Referral; Nutritional Assistance; and Medicaid/TennCare Application Assistance. 

McMinnville, TN - Pacesetters, Inc. is a community-based organization that offers services for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. Their services include adult day programs, supported employment, residential/supported living services, respite services, and the family support program.

Locations: McMinnville, TN - American Job Center is a one-stop career center that helps individuals obtain employment training and job placement by offering the following services: job search & readiness training, resume development, computer services, vocational assessments, and specialized assistance for older adults as well as people with disabilities.

McMinnville, TN - The Central Church of Christ offers a food pantry and clothing services for families in need.

Woodbury, TN - The Woodbury Church of Christ offers financial assistance services for families in need.

McMinnville, TN - McMinnville Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Woodbury, TN - Woodbury Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.

Smithville, TN - Smithville Housing Authority is a public housing authority that provides rental housing for eligible low-income families, older adults, and people with disabilities.

McMinnville, TN - The Social Security Administration Office provides information regarding the SSI and SSDI application and process.



(615) 329-1375

Sparta, TN - Special Olympics Tennessee offers recreational athletic programs for persons with disabilities. They also offer health screens through the Healthy Athletes program.

(615) 563-5304

Smithville, TN - DeKalb County Senior Center offers a variety of activities and services including yoga, recreational activities, travel programs, education, music programs, nutrition services, and more.

Woodbury, TN - Cannon County Senior Center offers a variety of activities and services including health screenings, recreational activities, travel programs, education, music programs, nutrition services, and more.

McMinnville, TN - The McMinnville Warren County Senior Center offers a variety of recreational activities for older adults including games, crafts, dances, and field trips.

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